Professors’ knowledge, and teaching methods always spice up the whole class.

NGUYEN Quoc Hung さん


Interview 04

APU’s multi-cultural community and the enthusiasm of students have attracted me since I first heard about APU via the Study Abroad Fair in my hometown, Hanoi. I thought that APU was a place where I could enjoy my youth to the fullest while academically preparing for my career as a future global leader.
Ever since in high school, I was always fascinated by Marketing and its creative side. As I major in Marketing in APM, generally, I am trying to learn as much as possible about branding and customers. For instance, I have to understand what makes a brand stand out in the market, how they should position their products and themselves among other competitors, and how to create a healthy brand perception. From the consumers’ side, it would be how to target the right audience, what their behaviors are and more. Consumer Behavior and Brand Management are my favorite classes in APU so far and the Professors’ enthusiasm, knowledge, and teaching methods always spice up the whole class.
Since I have classmates from many different backgrounds and they all have completely different perspectives, I can learn a lot from them. I can see myself considerably improving my critical thinking and my ability to analyze problems through different lenses. After graduation, I want to work as a Marketing Planner in Vietnam for 3 years then study for a Masters’ degree.