FAQ about application

FAQ about university life

Our most frequently asked questions are also answered here

Comprehensive Selection

  • Is the Comprehensive Selection an “exclusive” entrance examination?
    Since we do not consider it an “exclusive application,” it is possible to apply for admission to other universities as well.
  • Can I apply for more than one application type?
    Yes, if you meet the application qualifications.
  • How many words do I have to write for my Application Essay?
    The Application Essay should be between approximately 400-500 words in English. Please make sure to read the question carefully and be specific in your answers.

September 2023 Fall Entrance Examination

  • I am a returnee student from a foreign school. Is there any quota for returnee students in the fall entrance examination?
    Entrance examinations for students who have studied abroad (returnees) are held in the fall semester. In this entrance examination method, applicants are screened based on their application documents and an online interview to determine acceptance or rejection. We actively evaluate the language skills and international experience that returnee students have developed while living abroad. When applying, please pay close attention to the eligibility requirements.
  • I am from a Japanese high school. Can I take the fall entrance examination?
    The Fall entrance examination is open to all high school or secondary school graduates in Japan (or expected to graduate by September 20, 2023), not just those from foreign schools or international schools.


  • I am not sure if my educational background meets the application qualifications.
    Please apply for the Pre-Screening of Eligibility for Application.
  • I am considering transferring to the 3rd year. Can I find out in advance how many credits will be transferred?
    You will be notified of the number of transfer credits approved when you receive your enrollment procedure documents. Please note that we can NOT notify you beforehand.


  • Would an open campus be the best time to get to know about the university?
    Yes, the open campus is a great opportunity to get to know about the university, and I think you will be able to hear the real voice of the students as APU's open campus is student-led and includes roundtable discussions with current students.
    Open Campus >>


【 APU Admissions Office 】

1-1 Jumonjibaru, Beppu, Oita 874-8577, Japan

Email: apumate@apu.ac.jp

  • We may not be able to answer questions unrelated to university admissions.
  • When contacting us via email, please include your full name, email address, subject, the type of admission exam you are applying for, and your desired college.
  • For urgent inquiries or questions about application eligibility that may vary by individual, please contact us by phone.
    Phone: 0977-78-1120 (9:00 AM – 5:30 PM Closed on weekends and public holidays)
  • Depending on the timing and content of your inquiry, it may take some time to respond.