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“ culture ”
While globalization has advanced, there is concern about the loss of various local cultures. Local cultures and customs that have been lost are regional assets, and producing them as tourism contents can lead to the revitalization of the region.
Specialized Subjects
Tourism industry operations
In the business world, it is possible that something that sells well in Japan may not spread at all overseas. Different cultural, political, and economic situations require different services and products, and it is necessary to understand and adapt to each country and region. In International Marketing, students learn how to practice marketing in response to these different situations.
Field of Study
Understanding society and culture" may seem elusive. There may be a preconceived notion that because these are human affairs and "each person is different," societies and cultures are surely diverse, and that understanding them is vague and inappropriate. However, through study, students can see that society and culture can be interpreted and theorized.
Field of Study
Culture, Society & Media
“ law ”
When we consider tourism and hospitality, it is essential to understand related laws and national policies in order to promote such strategies. What are the social trends from the perspective of tourism and hospitality, the development of the tourism industry, the development of tourism human resources, and the protection of the environment and cultural assets?
Specialized Subjects
tourism studies
The legal environment plays an important role in determining the strategy and success of any business. It is critical to understand the legal issues associated with business decisions and the risks associated with them. Students will learn about the relevance of law in business, the role of contracts, employment obligations, and the social environment with an emphasis on business ethics in a global environment.
Field of Study
Required Subjects
What kind of rules should we have to aim for world peace and to maintain relations between countries? As different countries have different common sense, the students will learn from the perspective of international law, the common rules of the world, to avoid unexpected conflicts and troubles caused by such differences.
Field of Study
International relations & peace study
“ globalization ”
Globalization has caused the movement of people, goods, and money across borders in a wide variety of ways. In particular, the movement of people takes many forms, including workers, business travelers, and tourists, and involves goods, information, and images in addition to people. They have a huge impact on local economies. If regions around the world can be developed as destinations for migration, it will help revitalize local economies.
Specialized Subjects
Regional development
The world is connected even in terms of the flow of goods (logistics). The environment surrounding international logistics has changed dramatically in the past few years, and it has become a huge information industry. In addition, logistics connects all industries and the world, and the role of logistics is only growing in importance. On the other hand, it is also necessary to be prepared for numerous crises.
Field of Study
Globalization has enabled human activities and communication to transcend geographical boundaries and frameworks such as countries and regions on a large scale. Modern society is made up of connections between countries and regions. Students will study the connections among nations and regions from political, economic, and social perspectives.
Field of Study
International relations & peace study
“ Climate change ”
The problem of climate change is an issue in which everyone can be both a polluter and a victim, affecting the entire planet and even future generations. Students will learn what the international community has been working on, the difficulties involved, and the factors that cause climate change from the perspective of natural science aspects (physical, chemical, and biological), and will consider the global environment based on the basic science of the earth's terrestrial, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere.
Specialized Subjects
Environmental studies
As the term "ESG management" has emerged, companies are required to manage their operations with the environment, society, and governance in mind. In the coming years, corporate growth will be linked to the growth of the company by contributing to the growth of an environmentally conscious and sustainable society.
Field of Study
Strategic Management and Leadership
The possible risk that climate change causes in our daily lives, such as the functional stop of infrastructure, damage due to extreme heat, and food shortages, has an immeasurable impact on the economy. We will consider how overseas events affect other countries from an economic perspective.
Field of Study
Global economy
“ Money ”
Even social businesses that solve social issues require an understanding of money in order to carry out their activities. Students will learn how to implement activities, such as accounting to understand the flow of money and fundraising to collect money for activities.
Specialized Subjects
social entrepreneurship
Accounting and finance ideas can be helpful in evaluating a business. Accounting and finance are also relevant to us on a personal level. In addition to business, understanding the inflows and outflows of household finances and analyzing them from the perspective of accounting and finance can help us to have a more comfortable life.
Field of Study
Accounting and Finance
Economical activity is the creation, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Goods and services are connected to the money flow. Students will gain an understanding of the connections among countries and the state of the world economy through the movement of goods and money in the Japanese economy, the international economy, and the Asian economy.
Field of Study
Global economy
“ Hot spring ”
Hot springs are now a tourism resource that attracts the attention of foreigners. The growing need for experience-based tourism content has also had an impact. Visitors can bathe in the hot springs, change into a yukata (light cotton kimono), enjoy Japanese cuisine, and stroll through the traditional townscape of the hot spring resort. More and more tourists are attracted to such situation-oriented consumption.
Specialized Subjects
Tourism industry operations
The World Hot Springs Summit was held in Beppu in 2018. This event was based on a brand-building strategy to fulfill Oita Prefecture's mission of "leveraging its abundant natural resources for sustainable development. Students can learn from management strategies about "what to accomplish (mission)" and "how to accomplish it (strategy)."
Field of Study
Strategic Management and Leadership
A hot spring tax is collected each time you visit a hot spring in Japan. Do you know how this tax is used? The usage of taxes is different between Japan and other countries. By comparing politics and economics with other countries and having an international perspective, we can explore our possibilities.
Field of Study
International relations & peace study
“ conflicts ”
Why do conflicts occur? What is the relationship between conflict and development? Students will learn about the relationship between conflict and poverty, the relationship between natural resources and conflict, the relationship between trade and conflict, and the relationship between economic growth rate and conflict risk.
Specialized Subjects
International development
Throughout history, there have been cases in which business has helped to resolve divisions caused by conflict. Businesses can help build peace by providing food aid to war-torn areas and actively employing refugees to help them become self-reliant.
Field of Study
Entrepreneurship and Operations Management
Why do conflicts occur and how should we resolve them? Students will analyze the background of conflicts from the viewpoint of geopolitics focusing on geographical conditions, learn about international law and the United Nations, which are necessary for solving international conflicts, and examine news reporting "journalism" and the state of information surrounding international issues.
Field of Study
International relations & peace study
“ SNS ”
Have you ever had the experience of seeing a delicious-looking dish at a restaurant posted by a friend on a SNS and wanting to go there yourself? In the tourism industry, SNS is also an efficient way to spread their services. Students will learn about the connection between tourism and the media, the role of the media in tourism, and content tourism.
Specialized Subjects
Tourism studies
The previous consumer behavior by going to a store to check a product before purchasing has changed drastically. There are a wide variety of ways for consumers to get information about products, such as Internet word-of-mouth sites and Youtube. How should companies build their brands in this increasingly digital world?
Field of Study
Mass media such as newspapers and TV have been an important source of information. It helps people to get information about social and public events, share their awareness of social issues, and think about how to solve problems, and has had a significant impact on politics, culture, and society. Now that the Internet has become widespread, how are social networking services affecting people and society?
Field of Study
Culture, Society & Media
“ Energy ”
Fossil energy sources such as natural gas are a source of concern due to resource depletion and greenhouse gas emissions, and the use of non-fossil energy sources is expected to expand in the future. However, their large-scale use brings with it many challenges, and these challenges are related to each other. Students will learn about the overall picture of the national energy system, corporate and regional energy management, and measures for decarbonization, starting with an understanding of familiar energy use.
Specialized Subjects
Resource management
Environmentally friendly management, such as the introduction of renewable energy, will earn the trust of stakeholders and increase corporate value. Students will explore the possibilities for companies to introduce renewable energy from a financial perspective.
Field of Study
Accounting and Finance
Fossil energy sources such as oil and natural gas are used throughout the world. However, energy depletion has become a major problem due to the massive consumption of finite fossil energy. Students will learn about the natural environment and environmental issues from an economic perspective.
Field of Study
Global economy
“ Region ”
Community development is one type of international cooperation that aims to improve the quality of life, increase income, and contribute to the revitalization of the local community. Students will acquire practical perspectives, methods, and attitudes to fulfill their roles as "community development workers" in their own communities, organizations, and even within their own families, as well as practitioners in community development agencies in the future.
Specialized Subjects
Regional development
Did you know that there are cup noodles with different flavors in eastern and western Japan? As people and cultures change from region to region, the products preferred in each region will also change. Students will learn about the importance of developing products that meet the needs of consumers as well as creating new products through technological innovation.
Field of Study
Entrepreneurship and Operations Management
In the age of globalization, there has been a transition from regional integration, which creates political cohesion in regions such as the EU, to the division and polarization of the U.S. and China. In this specialization, students will deepen their understanding of the political dynamics of the international community and study various regions in order to gain a comprehensive grasp of their unique characteristics and traits, thereby gaining an understanding of the diverse nature of global society.
Field of Study
Culture, Society & Media
“ Asia ”
The Asia-Pacific region has seen remarkable economic development, especially in the tourism industry. The Asia-Pacific region has experienced both positive and negative impacts in the development of the tourism industry. Understanding them from a social science perspective and learning from various aspects can lead to the development of a sustainable region
Specialized Subjects
Tourism studies
Students will learn about the economic development and investment environment of Asia-Pacific countries and regions such as South Korea, Taiwan, China, major ASEAN countries, India, and Turkey from multiple perspectives, and focus on issues such as international competitiveness, corporate governance and management capabilities, and management localization of the Japanese companies involved. Lectures will include examples of various investment environments in Asia and case studies of management problems of Japanese companies. In order to further deepen the understanding of the Asia Pacific, the course will not only focus on the economic aspects, but will also refer to historical, political, lifestyle, and cultural aspects to the extent possible.
Field of Study
APM Common Subjects
What is the role of the Asia-Pacific region in the world? We will examine the interrelationships between political systems and economic development in Asia and analyze the institutional factors that influence the direction of development. Moreover, students will consider the institutions and policies that promote the economic development of nations, what conditions are needed for politicians and leaders who are responsible for the management of nations, and analyze the current and escalating U.S.-China conflict and events affecting the region and the world from the perspective of political economy.
Field of Study
Global economy
“ Sustainable city ”
As cities around the world continue to grow and expand at a rapid pace, urban sustainability is an essential issue. With many Japanese cities shrinking nationwide, how to ensure urban sustainability for future generations is an important topic. Students will learn the definition of urban sustainability, basic concepts of sustainable development, and methodologies for urban development planning, based on examples from developing and developed countries.
Specialized Subjects
Regional development
Companies are also taking steps to develop sustainable cities. For example, automobile manufacturers are developing new mobility services for depopulated areas where public transportation is declining. Companies can also contribute to a sustainable society. To do so, companies need to continue to seek "new value.
Field of Study
Entrepreneurship and Operations Management
Responding to natural disaster risks such as typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, and heavy snowfall is essential for a sustainable city. We will consider environmental risks that exist at various levels, from familiar issues such as levee construction for disaster prevention and ecosystem conservation to global-scale issues, and consider their communication and decision-making from an environmental sociological and pedagogical perspective.
Field of Study
Global economy
“ food ”
Have you ever heard of gastronomy tourism? Gastronomy tourism is a type of tourism that aims to bring visitors into contact with food and food culture created by the local food ingredients, customs, traditions, and history of the local climate. The food aspect can also be developed as a tourism content as an asset of the area.
Specialized Subjects
Hospitality operation
It is estimated that 2.75 million tons of business-related food loss is generated annually. Food loss has a significant impact on the environment because it generates carbon dioxide if incinerated and methane, which has a greenhouse effect 25 times greater than that of carbon dioxide, if landfilled. What is the perspective of the flow of food from production to consumption (supply chain) in order to reduce food loss?
Field of Study
Strategic Management and Leadership
In this current age of food satiation, enough food is being produced to feed the entire population of the world, but many people are also suffering from hunger. Developing country farmers are unable to obtain enough food because their products are bought at low prices while the food they sell is too expensive. How can we solve these problems?
Field of Study
Global economy
“ Pandemic ”
The pandemic have had a huge impact on people in developing countries. What has not yet been done for them and what can we do in the future? Students will learn about the implications for development cooperation on the environment and climate change preparedness in the pandemic disaster.
Specialized Subjects
International development
Due to the effects of covid-19, many companies experienced "black-ink bankruptcy" caused by running out of working capital or funds remaining on hand, even though they have profits. In such a rapidly changing business environment, it is important to understand the flow of money, not just to make a profit.
Field of Study
Accounting and Finance
Historically, pandemics have had a significant impact on international community. How is the international community dealing with pandemics? We will consider the strategies and responses of each country and what the international rules are in terms of international security, medical research, and international law.
Field of Study
International relations & peace study
“ Safe water ”
In Japan, safe water is plentiful, but water is also an important resource. Students will learn about the mechanisms of pollution of water, air, soil, e-waste, and plastics, as well as the proper management of the environment and resources in a recycling-oriented society.
Specialized Subjects
Resource management
Demand for water supply and sewage system maintenance is expanding worldwide due to population growth and urbanization in developing countries, while demand for renewal is also increasing in Japan due to aging infrastructure. The water business offers expanding opportunities, and Japanese companies have world-class technologies. These core corporate technologies and R&D capabilities can also be utilized to achieve sustainable development, including business expansion and new businesses.
Field of Study
Entrepreneurship and Operations Management
Japan is not familiar with water conflicts because its land does not border neighboring countries, but a look at countries around the world shows that water conflicts are caused by a variety of factors. International law is one way to prevent conflicts between countries or people that may be caused by the need for safe water, or to resolve conflicts that have arisen.
Field of Study
International relations & peace study
“ gender ”
When considering development at the community level, a gender is significant perspective. When providing assistance to developing countries, it is necessary to consider issues, elicit needs, and consider impact from a gender perspective, such as women's participation in development and the improvement of women's status in developing countries, rather than from a one-sided perspective.
Specialized Subjects
Regional development
Organizations are composed of people. In achieving better results, gender and diversity & inclusion perspectives such as "reforming work styles" and "women's advancement in society" are indispensable. How do we create an organization that makes the most of its people and generates innovation?
Field of Study
Strategic Management and Leadership
You have heard of such words as " Manly" and " womanly"? These words are created by the concept of masculinity and femininity, which are different from gender. What is gender? What is the difference between gender and sexuality? What is the state of gender that changes in accordance with changes in society? Students will explore society from the perspective of gender.
Field of Study
Culture, Society & Media
“ Poverty ”
While some countries are developing economically, others are still poor. Various ways of international cooperation, including bilateral, multilateral, and private-sector-led, are being undertaken to address critical issues facing the international community. What is the structure and reality of international cooperation?
Specialized Subjects
International development
You can use the power of business to solve the social problem of poverty. What is social entrepreneurship, which seeks to create businesses and organizations that apply business and management skills to solve problems as well as generate revenue?
Field of Study
Entrepreneurship and Operations Management
Some people believe that globalization has widened the gap between the rich and the poor in the world. How should we define and analyze poverty and inequality? What kind of institutional design should be adopted for economic development?
Field of Study
International relations & peace study
“ People ”
People and the Environment. How has human society affected the environment, and how has the environment affected humans? Economic development has brought environmental problems such as pollution and environmental contamination. Students will deepen their methodologies and ways of thinking to approach environmental issues from "residents', consumers', and victims' perspectives" through the study of environmental sociology.
Specialized Subjects
Environmental studies
People and Organization. An organization is a system that is composed to achieve a goal. An organization is a system that functions in the same way even if the members in the organization are replaced. Students will study the behavior of people in organizations such as schools, clubs, and companies in the context of a system called an organization and what problems individuals face.
Field of Study
Strategic Management and Leadership
People and Society. A "society" is a state in which a group of people create an order unique to that group through mutual action, and in which boundaries exist between the outside and the group. Society is created by the connections between people. What is the ideal form of " coexistence" in which people live together with others who have different values and backgrounds from their own in modern society?
Field of Study
Culture, Society & Media