Syahla Salsabila

Understand the depth of politics, culture, and social constructs. Arm yourself with knowledge.

Syahla Salsabila

[Birthplace: Indonesia]
College of Asia Pacific Studies, 4th year student

Interview 10

By studying at APU, I want to be a part of a generation whose mindset does not amplify cultural gaps but instead bridges them. People with different backgrounds at APU connect together through various ways, such as classes, club activities, and events. I want to do more than just forge valuable lifetime connections with people of various identities. I want the connections I have made to become the lifeline against social issues such as racism, sexism, and such else. I want to ensure that I will not stand and justify the unjust ways in which society treats some people just because they are different. In globalized world, the chances of coming across someone of a different background than I am is much more than likely, and it is my desire to be able to help bridge the cultural gaps between all the people I meet in the future.
(Interviewed in November 2022)