Application Fee

Application Fee (April/ September 2023 enrollment)

The amount of application fee differs depending on the application type.

Application Type Category Application Type Application Fee per
Comprehensive Selection/
Pathway for International
Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
Pathway for Returnee Students/
Pathway for Students with Extracurricular Achievements (including FALL Admissions) 1st screening: 10,000 yen
2nd screening: 25,000 yen
Pathway for Returnee Students
Pathway for International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Students
(including FALL Admissions)
35,000 yen

Once paid, the Application Fee cannot be refunded under any circumstance.
However, in the following cases, the entire amount, or a portion of it, with the exception of the transfer fee will be refunded.
(1) The applicant paid the Application Fee but did not submit the application documents.
(2) The applicant overpaid the Application Fee.
(3) The applicant did not fulfill the application qualifications.
(4) The application was not accepted by the university due to incompleteness of application documents, etc.